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The Era of John Galliano: Christian Dior Spring 2005 campaign

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John Galliano, the last designer at the Maison Christian Dior worth talking about and one of my favourite campaigns from the Era of Galliano to start off the fashion week. 

I chose these images because they show how Galliano made Dior feel younger without loosing that special touch of luxury that defines the house – effortless blend of youthfulness, lightness, romance, sensuality - a skill that is so incredibly rare. His perfectly executed designs were unique and exciting. They told stories. They became a part of fashion history.

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One can hate John Galliano… Or, the way Miss Portman put it (while most likely having quite a few Dior dresses in her wardrobe), be disgusted about it…

One can erase him from your memory just like those book publishers – his illustrated fashion tale memoir by Camilla Morton was scheduled to come out after the Lacroix one, but then magically disappeared and has never been mentioned anywhere since…

One can blame him for every sin…

One can even call yourself his best friend, just like Bill Gaytten, the non-charismatic cutter and technical advisor, did, to then jump in front of the queue and replace Galliano on the spot… There’s always Brutus among us…


We can simply love him. Because loving a person, especially such a unique individual, makes one see and appreciate his best qualities, while ignoring the flaws. Love makes us search for answers – not turn away just because of an unfortunate incident that still looks like a set-up.

This week I may not dig dip into Galliano’s biography – he never really told much about his personal life or childhood and so I don’t want to be a nosy blogger or rely on information that may not always be true, although the articles I’ve found will provide you with plenty details to discuss. 

This week I will share stories and images that made me fall in love with John Galliano and stick by his side in dark times of his life. Because he truly deserve it.

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I wish I knew him personally, talk about life, inspiration and, of course, fashion, because, just like any fashion genius, John Galliano could deeply understand it. This man was born for fashion. He was connected to it via an invisible umbilical cord, so the two were unseparatable. Fashion was his air, his life line, his big adventure. It made his eyes sparkle.

I miss his presence in the fashion world. I miss  seeing him turning dreams wrapped in fabric, lace and crystals into a wearable, beautiful and desirable reality. I miss the excitement, the thrill, the second when you breathe again after the last gown leaves the runway… I miss the magic and poetry of his collection. I miss the tears of joy. I hope for his return.

Photo source: Christian Dior Spring/Summer 2005 Campaign

My previous posts about Galliano can be found here, here, here and here

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